CV - Professional experience
Creation of my company Amphidea. Translation and proofreading in English of various scientific documents.
Scientific research: scientific articles, books, PhD theses, responses to reviewers and editors, funding applications, research projects, scientific reports, other administrative documents (certificates, endorsement letters…), etc.
Scientific communication: newsletters, blog posts, web sites, brochures, presentations and posters for conferences, reports, etc.
Educational material: training courses, practical lessons, training modules, Powerpoint presentations, exhibitions, etc.
I have a strong professional experience in many different fields such as virology, parasitology, bacteriology, entomology, molecular biology, oncology, epidemiology, tropical medecine, astrophysics, industrial engineering, popular science, etc.
My missions include:
Training in English and in French: In total, more than 46 training courses conducted from 2020 to 2024 for over 350 participants. Coaching missions. Respect of guidelines for Qualiopi quality certification.
-"Write your PhD Thesis in English";
- "Design attractive scientific posters";
- "Write a blog post";
- "Write a scientific article";
- "Write a study report";
- "Write a press release";
- "Present a pitch";
- "Design a graphical abstract";
- "Boost your funding applications".
Drafting in English and French:
- brochures for ArianeGroup and L'Oréal R&D (confidential material);
- Powerpoint presentation for Orphanet;
- internal document for EDF;
- newsletter for Hi! PARIS;
- brochure for G2Elab;
- blog articles, etc.
Translating and proofreading documents in English: scientific communication material, brochures, video scenarios, newsletters, blog posts, etc.
Proofreading and translation of scientific documents in English:
Translating and proofreading scientific articles, scientific projects, funding applications, letters to reviewers and editors, presentations for conferences, thesis abstracts, and other documents (certificates, endorsement letters...).
Work in support of the different research units of the center, such as: « Emergence of viral diseases »; « Evolution, Epidemiology and Parasite Resistance »; « Medical Research and Analysis Unit »; « Clinical Syndromes and Associated Viruses »; « Research on Zoonoses and Pathologies of Wildlife and Domestic Animals »; « Entomology & Ecology of Vector Systems »; etc.
English language instruction:
Set up English classes focused on medical and scientific subjects, divided in three levels (beginner, intermediate and advanced) for the researchers, students and technical and administrative staff of the center. Trained and supervised more than 100 students in total (an average of 27 students per trimester). These English lessons were validated as academic units by 4 PhD students.
Mrs Heïdi Lançon-Rahola
SIRET number:
843 810 177 00025
6 Bis boulevard Berthelot
Bureau 3
34000 Montpellier
Phone: +33 6 64 90 03 74
LinkedIn profile: