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Amphidea offers a proofreading and translation service in French and English for scientific documents.

Scientific research: scientific articles, books, PhD theses, responses to reviewers and editors, funding applications, research projects,  scientific reports, other administrative documents (certificates, endorsement letters…), etc.

Scientific communication: newsletters, blog posts, web sites, brochures, presentations and posters for conferences, reports, etc.

Educational material: training courses, practical lessons, training modules, Powerpoint presentations, exhibitions, etc.

I have a strong professional experience in many different fields such as virology, parasitology, bacteriology, entomology, molecular biology, oncology, epidemiology, tropical medecine, orthopedics, astrophysics, industrial engineering, popular science, etc.


01 Transparency

The document is corrected using Microsoft Word’s “Track Changes” tool. It allows the author to take note of any modifications before accepting them. Thus, the client can follow the proofreading process and no changes are made to the manuscript without the author's consent.

02 Communication

Microsoft Word’s “Track Changes” tool allows me to leave comments in the right margin. They contain recommendations and advice to improve the clarity or the flow of the text, explanatory notes in the case of recurring mistakes, but mostly questions when a sentence accumulates several problems and I need to rewrite it entirely so that it makes sense. After the author answers a few focused questions, I restructure and rephrase the sentence so that its meaning matches the author’s original intention. I always work in close collaboration with the authors so that with my help their written production can reflect their ideas in perfect English.

03 Rigor

The texts are scrupulously read to eradicate any mistakes and improve the flow of the manuscript. The first proofreading allows me to correct most mistakes and to send the authors, if need be, a first version with my comments and questions. Once they have taken note of the work and reply, I use their clarifications to rephrase the problematic sentences. I always perform a final proofreading of the text.

04 Exhaustiveness

My proofreading service naturally takes into account grammar, conjugation, spelling and typing errors, vocabulary (deceptive cognates, nuances), syntax and clarity of sentences, punctuation, the presence of additional spaces, consistency of the document (uniformity of abbreviations, names,…). But I also verify that the argumentation is clear, logic and easy to fathom, I underline contradictions or repetitions. Most of all, I correct the whole document: I do not only take into account the main body of the text but I also examine abstracts, declarations (author’s contributions, acknowledgements, conflicts of interests), footnotes, annexes, schematics, tables, pictures and legends. Only the checking of bibliographic references leads to an extra charge.

05 Certification

In the case of scientific articles, I can establish a proofreading certificate which specifies the title of the manuscript, the date of the proofreading, and the contact details of my company. This certificate attests that the article was entirely proofread and corrected by a native speaker to reassure the editors and reviewers.
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